My father turns 60 this week.
A milestone.
He decided to spend it with us in Tulsa. He and mom drove into town for the weekend and we celebrated with struedel, singing, candles that wouldn't blow out and an ORU/ULAR basketball game.
It was also that perfect beginning-of-the-holidays time when down come the boxes of Christmas decorations and out come the twinkling lights and oh...here come the hideous yard decorations across the street.
But this year....
...we have a tiny little man in the house that looooves all hideous holiday deocrations.
We took Jax across the street to see the giant snowman, huge snowglobe and Snoopy in a bi-plane. Also included in the hodge-podge display was a spiral Christmas tree and two moving, white, lit reindeer - to which Jackson "moo-ed" at this morning on the way to school.
I guess one might confuse them with cows.
We also did some Christmas shopping and our kitchen turned into a cookie-making factory with mom sprinkling, filling and baking all things cookie. Jackson was a big help what with the taking of tupperware in and out as well as trying to fit himself into the tiny cupboard to the right of the sink that holds the cookie sheets and cooling racks.
Cans of Pam were sprayed out.
Sprinkles were pinched.
Dough was eaten.
Timers were singing.
All in all it was a perfect weekend.
One that, at its close makes me lonesome to be closer to family.


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