
After soccer games, Eric collects the equipment, I collect stray snack-trash and my parents collect Eli. Jackson charges around the game fields with teammates and classmates - burning off the excitement from the game.
As twilight approaches and we near the concession stand, a last call to the boy will typically round him up.
But the other night, it was a bit more difficult to call the colt into the gate.
He was in the midst of some serious chase.
As in a trio of adorable little girls were in hot pursuit of soccer player No. 3.
As the pack finally slowed to a halt at my final call, Jackson began to introduce his chasers but the tallest interrupted him with her own professional introduction:

Oh it's ok, I know him.

Oh, you do?

Yes, I chase him. 


Sylvie said…
Ahahahahaha! Times have certainly changed! Well, probably not in the last 30 years, but I remember 3rd grade in Monroe, LA, being chased at recess by two boys, and I was absolutely terrified! I had no idea what would happen if they caught me, and I doubt they did either, but I ran for my life! :))

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