Three Months
Eli celebrated his three month birthday with a tiny cupcake and a hushed, late-night round of singing. Hushed because by the time the candle was lit he was fast asleep in his bassinet.

Something so ordinary to most babies - sleeping in a bassinet.
But for Eli, it was a big step. His painful reflux and moody temperament have kept him from sleeping on his back or for long periods of time. He has slept in his bouncy seat or swing for short naps since coming home from the hospital.
But in the last few days we have been successfully working on him sleeping in his bassinet. I say "we" because it has been hard for me to make the transition as well. It's harder for me to keep an eye on him from my own bed when he is asleep in the bassinet, but this process needs to be done. I headed ba ck to work, and I can't keep staring at him all night until he is 18. <

Something so ordinary to most babies - sleeping in a bassinet.
But for Eli, it was a big step. His painful reflux and moody temperament have kept him from sleeping on his back or for long periods of time. He has slept in his bouncy seat or swing for short naps since coming home from the hospital.
But in the last few days we have been successfully working on him sleeping in his bassinet. I say "we" because it has been hard for me to make the transition as well. It's harder for me to keep an eye on him from my own bed when he is asleep in the bassinet, but this process needs to be done. I headed ba ck to work, and I can't keep staring at him all night until he is 18.
Maybe just until he is 5.
Eli continues to gain weight. He is now up to 14 pounds and has become quite smiley. He has the best grin. It warms my heart to see it.
He loves his activity mat and coos and wiggles to the music.
Eli continues to gain weight. He is now up to 14 pounds and has become quite smiley. He has the best grin. It warms my heart to see it.
He loves his activity mat and coos and wiggles to the music.
But he is most entertained by his brother. Jackson is sometimes the only one who can get Eli out of a crying spell. He will sing and dance and chatter away while Eli stares at him endlessly.
Therapy continues, and Eli isn't always thrilled about it. Tummy time doesn't always end well but he has to keep it up. His neck muscles and arm strength are still behind but he is getting stronger every day.
Jackson is a big help in this area, too. His performances really make Eli want to lift his head and get a glimpse of the show.
After Jackson, Eli's second most favorite thing is his thumb. I'm hoping this will turn into a relationship with h is pacifier, but in the meantime I'm just happy he has found something to help soothe himself.
This month, Eli is back to the doctor for various appointments. He had his NICU follow up last week. They assessed his overall development, hearing, motor skills and general progress. He is still behind. While they were pleased with his ability to control his head, he still does not display a walking reflex or the ability to keep his head up for long periods of time when on his tummy. This puts him in the 20th percentile when it comes to his motor skills. But we continue to work on it. We put him on his tummy at every diaper change. Sometimes he does so well and lifts his head high to che ck out his surroundings. Other times he gets furious and kicks until he has shoved his tiny nose into the mat. His therapist says it will just take time.
Tomorrow, he will have yet another ECHO to see if the hole in his heart has changed/improved and to monitor the calcification they discovered during his last ECHO. Hopefully his body will have broken down the clot.
Just one look at his sweet face, and one would never know this baby had such a rough start.
It just makes his smiles even more precious.