Small Talk

During dinner everyone discusses their day. Highlights, recaps, funny moments etc.
Jackson asks each of us how our days were.
"How was your day, mama?" and after my short response he will turn to his left and ask, "How was your day, daddy?" and Eric will also partake in this bit of dinner-time small talk.
But the best part is when we turn the question to him.
Typically he mentions playing in the kitchen and how he cooked something like sour cream soup. Sometimes he acts as though he has been working at a construction site all day by having to "hammamer" at school. He sometimes makes up stories about jupiter jumps and maybe even adds a few tall tales about falling down or getting a boo-boo that doesn't even exist.

Yesterday, they must have played in the gym because while devouring a pile of spaghetti he mentioned a new activity.

Amanda: What did you do today, Jackson?
Jackson: I played with balls.

Eric doesn't miss a beat.

Eric: Who's balls did you play with?
Jackson: Mine.

We may not be the best parents in the world but the boy will definitely know a good joke when he hears one.


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