Before You Were Two
While for many parents the first birthday is an emotional event that many have a hard time accepting, I find I am having more heartache over Jackson's upcoming second birthday. It's just around the corner and I'm not quite ready to face the fact that he will be two.
I guess because "one" is closer to baby.
"One" was still little. Singular. Just still barely here.
For Jackson's first birthday, we had a very big get together, grilled outside and enjoyed the pool.
But two.
Two is serious. Two is a kid. Momentous.
Two has been around now. Familiar with the territory. Sophomoric.
Two is major. Tries to boss you around now that it has gotten comfortable with the campus layout.
I'm conflicted.
Because two is also funny. Two is so quick. So willing to learn. Two is adorable.
I always think "this is my favorite phase." But I find myself thinking that at every new phase.
Each stage is my favorite.
As we near the eve of his second birthday, I am once again blown away by all that he has accomplished in one year.
Before you were two... sang your ABCs. told us you loved us. learned your shapes. fell in love with the ocean. learned your colors. became a regular traveler. rode a carousel. count your numbers. count your numbers. showed off your jumping, kicking and tumbling skills. tormented us with your first curse word. had tubes put in again and adenoids removed. regularly do your chores. use the potty. put your dishes in the sink. strummed your guitar. were best friends and on a first name basis with every neighbor. repeat every word. continue to amaze us. Every day. use the potty. put your dishes in the sink. strummed your guitar. were best friends and on a first name basis with every neighbor. repeat every word. continue to amaze us. Every day.