Overall, we could not be happier about Jackson's reaction to his little brother. He still loves to help out when it comes to baby stuff and truly enjoys discussing Eli's ...uh... digestive productions. Mama, is it a poopy diaper? Yes, it is. Well then, I better check it out. Really? Yep, let me see ... EWWWWWWW! You're right, that's a poopy one. Thank you, Jackson. When Eli is on my shoulder, Jackson loves to inform me if Eli is asleep or awake. Sometimes our conversations are endless: What's the status, Jack? Asleep. Asleep? He's awake. Awake? Nope, asleep. Wait! He's asleep. He is the most helpful when it comes to tummy time. He sings and dances, putting on such a show that Eli can't help but hold his head high to catch a glimpse of the whirling dervish. Of course, there are pangs of jealousy. They bubble up in unexpected moments. Like at the end of Eli's PT, when Jackson will suddenly have to show us his own tummy tim...