Deadly Delivery

Man, I am really bummed about my verbena dying.


Yes, it's dead. Got too cold for it.

It's dead?

Yes. We'll have to pull it up.

Yeah. My friend Carlos's dad died.


Yup. He died.

Do you know what that means?

Yes ... What does it mean?

It means to be gone forever. So be careful saying that about people, ok? It's not nice to just toss around about people if it isn't true.

It's true. He died.



Ok then, how did he die?

He got killed.

By whom?

Uh .... UPS?

Sidenote: Jackson has no friend named Carlos. He does however, have enemies in the postal industry.


Sylvie said…
Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Hysterical! I guess Aunt Lizzy is next! ;)
e.a.s. demers said…
That's awesome.... I giggled for quite awhile ^_^
Sylvie said…
You do know the Aunt Lizzy story, right? George's imaginary friend who eventually died of "train hitting"? Apparently transportation mishaps occur every other generation to the imaginary friends of the men in our family! :=))
Houpley said…
I can't make this stuff up. The Jackson Show is non-stop around here. And yes, I remember hearing about that but didn't remember the details. Train hitting!
Anonymous said…
See? That is why there is FedEx. I'm just sayin'.
PMilac said…
Mike said, "The UPS man always comes three times." If you know what this means, Michael will send you harvest. Can can brown do for you?
Houpley said…
who does the UPS man come for? HE COMES FOR YOU!

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