
Showing posts with the label family reunion

Family Trees

I am an only child. My mother is an only child. My father has one sister. She only has one child. I only have one first cousin. All this math to point out I have a small, tight-knit family tree. Maybe even just a shrub. Eric however comes from a forest of family. Every year, the limbs from his family gather at Petit Jean state park for a Labor Day family reunion. The park and its lodgings are taken over by the family. They come from all across the globe. It is like nothing else I have ever experienced. And this is just his mother's side of the tree. (He has an entire Yellowstone Park full of family trees on his father's side as well.) The first time I attended this particular reunion as a mere girlfriend, I was overwhelmed. Not only were there tons of family members but the majority of them all look alike. Meaning Eric's dark hair and set of teeth were staring at me from every cabin. I am still not totally used to the event but have found my reunion-comfort-zone. And of cou